Services & Products

About our deliverables on your projects...

Plans are defined to be realised. Objectives are achievable if they are supported by everyone involved. Support is highly important for the success of projects, for the realisation of ideas and improved application of water technology!

Our services

As process, project and environmental engineers we know about the different technologies involved. Quickly we will have the understanding of your process as well. We want to understand the mass balance and wider picture.

tender management

purchase or sales

rfq or quote

clarification, negotiation

design & engineering


basic, detail

process description

tests & commissioning



documentation, training

operational support

audit, review



problem solving


delivery of wwtp’s, equipment, parts, consumables

support to contractor(s)

How do we do this?

Basically we work on simple understandable contracts, mostly for a fixed price. It could be as:

  • interim specialist or consultant. In any case we will define the project, to make it clear what and when to expect from each other. If applicable, the project will be executed in direct cooperation with your team, at your site.

General conditions

Check our page general conditions for more information.